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New St. Joseph's Church, Springvale

On the 10th June, 2017, the Conventual Franciscan Friars in Australia and the Parish of St. Joseph's Springvale, VIC, were very excited to welcome Most Rev. Denis Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne, to bless and officially reopen the new church building. The celebration of Holy mass was well attended with visiting friars and clergy, as well as hundreds of people from the parish and surrounding suburbs.

For about a year the parish has been using the hall for liturgies, and all baptisms and weddings have had to be celebrated at the parish's other church of St. Mark's, Dingley Village. The hall has served it's purpose well, but it is safe to say that everyone is very happy to be back in the beautifully renovated church.

We congratulate Fr. Benedict La Volpe OFM Conv., Parish Priest of Springvale, and those who were part of the Church Renovation Board, for their countless hours of planning and meetings. We also thank the architects and builders, and all involved in their wonderful work. All of these people combined have created something truly beautiful and worthy to be called a House of God.

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